Take Time to Choose the Right hotel Call Center
The same hotel manager who would carefully sample several brands to find just the right in-room amenities, taste several brews to find the perfect coffee, or painstakingly interview front desk staff to find the best and the brightest to greet guests, will without much consideration simply use the hotel call center provided by the company providing its CRS software.
Doesn’t it make sense to take the time to choose the best hotel call center, too?
Start by asking a lot of direct questions, and note the answers you receive to compare performance with promises down the line.
How quickly does the hotel call center answer calls for its clients, that is, what is its overall SLA (service level agreement)? A common target here is to answer 80% of the calls within 20 seconds. Actually, this should be close to the minimum performance level.
What is the hotel call center’s overall abandoned call percentage? A solid number would be less than 5% abandonment.
What documentation does the center provide to demonstrate call conversion? This can be tricky, but with a little patience you can develop a true picture of the sales performance of the center.
What kind of reporting does the call center offer to help you understand how your marketing is performing?
What kind of sales process does the center use to train its agents to take control of calls to move them quickly and firmly to a revenue conclusion?
Given that voice is the second most profitable revenue channel, and that there is only one chance to make a first impression, it makes tremendous sense to spend as much time choosing the right hotel call center as you spend to choose the right CRS provider. And they don’t have to be the same.