How to Significantly Impact a Hotel Reputation and Revenue

A potential guest calls your hotel to make a booking inquiry. How do you increase the odds of converting that lead? There’s one way you can swing the odds dramatically in your favor: by having that call answered by a highly trained hotel call center specialist.

With expert training, a reservation specialist can boost bookings, increase guest satisfaction levels, and deal skillfully with service recovery. All of which can have a dramatic impact on hotel reputation and revenue.

A recent Forbes article outlines the best practices to apply when  educating employees in great customer service. One point that leaps out is the value of offering “warm welcomes and fond farewells”, which relates to the tendency for people to disproportionately judge an encounter based on the start and end of the experience.

Applied to a booking inquiry over the phone, this means that making a great first and last impression will have a profound impact on a customer’s overall impression of your hotel. But what other benefits can a professionally trained call center agent offer?

Boost bookings with expert hotel call center agents

As the only call center certified by the Kennedy Training Network (KTN), Travel Outlook trains its call center reservations specialist using the  highly effective and specific sales system developed by KTN. Following a rigorous certification process, agents have developed a new set of invaluable skills, which in turn can deliver substantial benefits for hotels.

*Making a Good First Impression! Creating Moments of Truth Everyday!

Instead of sticking to a template script, each agent learns how to take a personalized approach to every customer. They become adept at understanding each guest’s unique story and discover how to identify their place in their buying journey. By learning how to nurture a warm and conversational tone with callers, agents can drive engagement and increase conversions.

As a result of this training, and the right technology, 90% of calls are answered within 30 seconds. 65% of the qualified reservations calls received by agents are successfully converted to a booking. And call abandonment, less than 5%. This all positively impacts the hotel’s revenues.

Ultimately, highly trained hotel call center agents can help hotels turn more leads into bookings, boost revenue, and deliver more satisfying experiences for each and every guest.

Learn more from the only call center certified by the Kennedy Training Network.

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